One Bazaar Community is the self described style of this new market and one stroll down the different vendor isles confirms the truth of that statement. With such an eclectic mix of booths, shoppers can find an array of items for sale.
The grocery store is Amazing Savings and will save you lots of money on your grocery bill. This is their second store in the Asheville area, the original being located on Sweeten Creek Rd. This fills a whole in downtown Asheville seeing as how both the Grove Arcade market and the CVS have recently closed.
Future businesses that are moving into the space include a downtown recycling center, a world food court (still in the idea stage) and perhaps your business. With vendor prices as low as $15 a day for a booth you would be remiss not to take advantage of the low overhead. They are also offering co-op vendor space so you can join forces with your colleagues and save money.
The market is currently open Friday - Sunday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. For more information you can call 828-255-8858 or visit them on Facebook.
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