Buy local is a mantra in Asheville and here is a chance to take part in that. Asheville-based Kimberly Masters, is the founder of Essential Journeys which specializes in handcrafted soaps, lotion, lip lube and soy candles, all made from natural ingredients and inspired from travels around the world. The studio is hosting an open house for everyone to explore the studio and learn about the soap making process.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 4, 2010 from 1:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. The soap studio is located at 77 Vermont Ave, Asheville, NC. It will be a wonderful opportunity for some holiday shopping and mingling. Hot cider and snacks will be provided. There is no cost to attend and guests will have a chance to meet Kimberly and ask any questions.
For more information you can call 828-350-0395.
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